04 October 2006

The end of the Christian Heritage Party

As PC and David Farrar have reported - the Christian Heritage Party is having a funeral and will be buried - with the hope of some that it will be resurrected in some form.
Well the website is down. Though Google has it cached.
About the only two things I can say to its credit is first - it distanced itself completely from Capill, of which nothing more need be said, second it is folding.
It advocated the end to the separation of church and state. It campaigned vigorously on maintaining and strengthening restrictions on what people did with their bodies, what they could read, watch and produce in the media, and how they could live their lives.
On the other hand it advocated choice in education, and a tougher approach to welfare, although this was so, on the one hand - they could indoctrinate their children more easily into their irrational view of the world (which is their right!) and on the other hand, to tell lazy people that they are naughty and shouldn't get benefits if they aren't prepared to work in the community (isn't entirely unfair).
All in all they were puritans - that nearly managed the 5% threshold with the Christian Democrats (now part of United Future) - if it hadn't been for Capill and his barely shrouded homophobia putting off voters on television (don't get me started on Capill grrr). Fortunately they failed, and have been on a long path downwards ever since. The CHP lost many voters to United Future, as the former Christian Democrats sold United Future as a way of getting Christian views into Parliament (while Peter Dunne downplayed it to not scared off his middle of road urban liberal voters). The CHP also lost to Destiny NZ, which has played a more radical fire and brimstone form of ayatollah like Christian politics. Also National played up to the Christian vote indirectly in 2005, mainly because they could see a chance to get rid of Helen Clark and her bunch of Godless women, which many on the Christian right deplored for their tolerance of homosexuality.
Will there be a new Christian party? Well the Family First lobby looks like the CHP reborn except it isn't a party. However, there is easily a good 2-3% of religious nutters who want the government to lock people up for kissing people of the same sex, or reading Lady Chatterley or saying "Jesus Christ" as an expletive. These are bullies of the same order as the far left - invading our bedrooms and homes, as much as the left wants to invade boardrooms, businesses and schools. The Family First lobby is promoting the same sort of Biblical married straight couple having kids "family", its first principle is:
"We affirm that the natural family, not the individual, is the fundamental social unit"
Hmm so that's me running the other way already. Damned if I'm having no rights that aren't subordinate to the family - and they would probably agree!

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